Teaching Youth Life Skills

Public Speaking, Debates, Personal Finance and Medikids classes (1-12 grade)


Nature House
519 Kottinger Dr
Pleasanton CA 94566

Class Title PPS103 : Public Speaking: Young Masters
Course Description In this course little masters build upon the skills they learn in the earlier course. They begin to understand and demonstrate the oomph and expressions in their speeches. In this course they memorize and recite poems. They learn how to tell funny stories and scary stories. Joke telling is an art and so is dialogue delivery. It is an ideal and fun class for little masters who put up a play at the end! To know more visit
Eligibility 2nd Grade to 4th Grade
Number of Classes 8
Start Time 4:30 PM
Start Date 02/07/2024
End Date 03/27/2024
Day(s) of Week Wednesday
Duration 1:00
Other Information Activity #9209

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