Teaching Youth Life Skills

Public Speaking, Debates, Personal Finance and Medikids classes (1-12 grade)


Nature House
519 Kottinger Dr
Pleasanton CA 94566

Class Title CS402 : Advanced Public Speaking and Debate Skills
Course Description Advanced is the class which takes a notch higher! Each student will learn to write a well-structured and engaging speech, learn different styles. Students will improve general knowledge on various current affairs topics, as they debate and understand both sides of the topic as they do fun projects, including creating stories from pictures, writing rhyming poems, Presidential debates, town hall meetings. We use templates, to ensure that your kids learn various writing and debating strategies. By using topics of their interest, and encouraging them to use props, stories, jokes, and quotes, we make learning exciting and effective!
Eligibility 4th Grade to 7th Grade
Number of Classes 9
Start Time 5:40 PM
Start Date 10/30/2024
End Date 01/15/2025
Day(s) of Week Wednesday
Duration 1:00
Other Information Activity #11008 No class 11/27, 12/25, 1/1

This class is in session. Please call or email us before registering online